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The Iris Society of Dallas (ISD) is a nonprofit organization, established in 1954 to promote the growing of quality irises in our area and to foster communication and sharing of information among iris growers.  The sponsoring of an iris show each spring has been a major public event through the years.

The Iris Society of Dallas is affiliated with the American Iris Society (AIS) (see more below).
Our location is in the Region 17 of the AIS which includes iris societies throughout the state of Texas.  Link to Region 17 at

The Society is one of the largest groups of iris enthusiasts in Texas.  It is know for its promotion of the culture and improvement of the Iris genus, its support of horticultural students, its encouragement of the education of the public in iris culture, and the quality of its shows.  Our closest large iris club is the  Fort Worth Iris Society.  Another close iris club is located in the Sherman/Denison area - Texoma Rainbow Iris Society. 


Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. Meetings are usually held on the third Sunday of each month at 12:30 PM.

 Meetings are held at the Holy Cross Lutheran Church  11425 Marsh Lane, Dallas TX.


Annual membership dues for the Iris Society of Dallas are $12.50 for one person, or $15.00 for a family.  To become a member, please CLICK HERE.

Many ISD members also hold membership in the American Iris Society and are active in both the regional and the national affairs of the AIS. Several members are also accredited AIS show and garden judges. Members receive the monthly newsletter "Iris Talk."


The Society generally holds two public sales each year, one in August and another in September.  The rhizomes offered for sale are increases from members' gardens and are acclimated to our area.  Many people prefer them over rhizomes imported from other areas of the country.  In addition to many tall bearded irises, several other types of irises that are established in our area will be available at our sales.


The Iris Society of Dallas has established up to 5 (five) grants of $100.00 each for high school students, and 2 scholarships of $1,000.00 each for college students enrolled in horticulture programs.  Although not so limited, preference would be given to projects and programs relating to our favorite flower, the iris.

Application forms elsewhere herein shown may be copied and submitted to The ISD Education Committee at 3 Wolters Street,  Hickory Creek, 75065  during the month of January each year; awards, if any, will be made in February of those years.  Approved grants will be paid directly to the high school student applicants, and scholarships will be paid to the colleges attended by college applicants.

Click the desired application form below to download it to your computer:

High School Grant Application

College Scholarship Application 

Other Events

We periodically sponsor local bus tours to tour gardens and hybridizers in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area during peak blooming season.

  • In 2000, we hosted the American Iris Society (AIS) National Convention. 
  • In 2004, we hosted The Society for Louisiana Iris (SLI) National Convention.  
  • In 2013, we hosted the American Iris Society (AIS)  and The Society for Louisiana Iris (SLI) National Conventions. 
  • In 2014, we again hosted the American Iris Society (AIS) National Convention.
  • In 2017, we again hosted The Society for Louisiana Iris (SLI) National Convention.
  • In 2023, we again hosted the American Iris Society (AIS) National Convention.
  • In 2024, we again hosted the combined Society for Louisiana Iris(SLI) and Spuria Iris Society (SIS) National Convention.
                  We will also be hosting the Fall American Iris Society (AIS) Fall Boeard Meeting.

Speakers and Programs Available

The club has members available to present programs on irises to your garden club or other organization.  

ISD Officers

For the year of May 2023 to May 2024

President:  Michael Reed
First Vice President and Program Chair:  Carolyn Haward
Second Vice President and Membership Chair: Kelly Patterson
Third Vice President and Show Chair: Carrie White
Secretary: Helen Rodgiguez
Treasurer:  Bonnie J Nichols
Parliamentarian:  Rich Miller



About the American Iris Society (AIS)

The American Iris Society is a nonprofit institution incorporated February 2, 1927, in the County of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania. By the terms of the Charter, the Corporation has no stockholders and exists for the sole purpose of promoting the culture and improvement of the Iris. 

You can go to the American Iris Society Web Site to view all of their information:


Contact ISD

For more information about the Iris Society of Dallas please send us an email.

Let's Talk Irises

Give us a call if you want to talk about Irises.